China’s great leaps forward: in charts

We in the USA have some catching up to do.  Just a reminder.

Cost of college education.

A military confrontation with China isn’t going to fix any of these things.


You Can’t Run Industrial Policy or a War Economy Under Neoliberalism by Ian Welsh.  [Added 06/22/2024]

Using Comparative and Absolute Advantage to Explain China’s Rise by Ian Welsh.  [Added 06/22/2024]

China’s Rise Is Normal by Ian Welsh. [Added 06/22/2024]

Why China Might Beat the U.S. Back to the Moon by Jeffrey Kluger for Time magazine.  [Added 06/22/2024]

U.S. Remains Painfully Dependent on China for Silicon and Solar Panels by the Metalminer team for [Added 06/22/2024]

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4 Responses to “China’s great leaps forward: in charts”

  1. Fred (Au Natural) Says:

    Having a large pool of semi-lave labor makes life easier for Beijing. The 9-9-6 system has a lot to do with Chinese success, and if that’s how you have to do it, I’ll skip. Not to mention the actual slave labor camps in Xinjiang. Really sucks to be a Uyghur these days.

    China’s population crash will be interesting to watch. Having the lowest birth rate in the world is not a good thing.


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