Bernie Sanders and the Israel lobby

Bernie Sanders is the only major-party Presidential candidate of Jewish heritage, the only one to have worked on an Israeli kibbutz and the only one to be eligible for Israeli citizenship.

160321221404-bernie-sanders-israel-aipac-the-final-five-election-special-5-00011615-large-169He also is the only one to separate himself, even a little, from the war policy of the present Israeli government.

He was the only candidate to decline to appear before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee last week, and the only one to attempt to discuss the Israel-Palestine situation objectively.

Criticizing the Netanyahu government is, of course, far different from being anti-Israel, much less anti-Semitic, but you wouldn’t think so from the responses of the other candidates.


Speech in Salt Lake City on March 21, 2016 by Bernie Sanders.

What They Said: Candidates double down on Israel at AIPAC by Philip Giraldi for The Unz Review.

Photo Credit: CNN

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One Response to “Bernie Sanders and the Israel lobby”

  1. 61chrissterry Says:

    Reblogged this on 61chrissterry and commented:
    To have any chance of peace between Israel and Palestine both sides need to be working together for peace and consider and respect the views of each other.

    There will always be distruptive elements on both sides and the extreme views and comments from some American presidential wannabes are not helping the situation. Bernie Sanders is the only one who appears to understand this.


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