What is this thing called ‘woke’?

Conservatives and some liberals are upset about an ideology called “woke.”  Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida says Florida is a place that “woke” comes to die.

Many of my friends say there is no such thing as “woke.”  They say it is just an insulting re-branding of long-standing liberal ideals of individual freedom and social justice.

I don’t agree.  There has been a cultural /ideological revolution in 21st century USA, and “woke” is the blanket term used to refer to its many facets.

You don’t think there has been a revolution?   Consider the following statements.

  • Marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman.
  • A woman is an adult human female.
  • Every American citizen has the right to equal treatment regardless of race,  religion or ethnicity – no more and no less.
  • It’s OK to be white.

None of these statements would have been considered controversial 15 or 20 years ago.  Most people would have been baffled as to why you would have bothered to say them.

Or consider these words and phrases: Whiteness.  Gender assigned at birth.  Heteronormativity.  Intersectionality.  Cisgender.  Misgender.  Gender binary.  Identity group.  De-platforming.

These represent a new vocabulary for a new way of thinking.  

My purpose in writing this particular post is not to refute all the ideas that come under the heading of  “woke,” but to point out that they represent fundamental changes in thinking about important things.

Some parts may be good, some parts may be bad, some parts may be good up to a point and counterproductive beyond that point, and some points are used by plutocrats and militarists to divide and rule.

It is unreasonable to expect people to adopt this new way of thinking without giving them a reasoned argument in favor.

And it is a grave mistake to enlist in a new culture war without understanding exactly what the stakes are.

The dictionary definition of woke is “aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)”.  Of course this is a good thing, not a bad thing.

“Woke” is also a black slang word, meaning “alert to what’s going on, not naive, especially about hidden racism and racial prejudice.”   This also is a good thing, not a bad thing.

I feel bad about appropriating a term from African-American culture and using it to mean something completely different.  But I think most readers of this blog have some idea of what “woke” means, and I would have to give a couple of paragraphs of explanation if I used an alternate phrase like “the cultural revolution” or “the new ideology.”

What follows is my personal understanding of the key concepts of the new ideology.  It is subjective, but it is based on reading and experience, not pulled out of the air.


People can be defined as oppressors or victims based on identity.  These identities are based on certain binaries, including white/black, native/immigrant, male/female, straight/gay, cisgender/transgender and able-bodied/handicapped.  If you find yourself in an oppressor category, you have an inherited burden of guilt you can only get rid of by joining the liberation struggle of the oppressed.

Equity is more important than equality.  That is, equitable representation of oppressed groups is more important than equal treatment of individuals (which can be a mask for lack of equity).

Justice for the collective is more important that rights of the individual.   Allegedly fundamental rights, such as freedom of speech, should be set aside if they allow the spreading of harmful ideas.

Race and racial prejudice are baked into American culture.  Racism can never be got rid of, only compensated for.

White supremacy can simply be acceptance of traits common to most white people as normal for everyone.  “Whiteness” as such is a problem, because it excludes non-whites.

Sex and gender are matters of choice, not biology.  A male can become a female, a female can become a male, or either one can define themselves in an entirely new way.  Acceptance of one’s choice is a basic civil right. 

Use of harmful language and images is a form of oppression.

Facts and figures do not override the lived experience of oppressed people.

All issues should be seen through the lenses of racism, sexism and other forms of oppression of the marginalized.  The important thing about environmental pollution, unemployment, low wages and our continuing wars is the disparity between the harm they do to poor people and minorities and the lesser harm they do to dominant groups.


I am not an adherent of this new ideology.  I have tried to state its tenets, as I perceive them, in as fair a way as I can.  

As I wrote, this post is not an argument about the merits of these ideas, either pro or con.  

I merely point out that they are a break from old-time 20th century liberalism and progressivism, which is based on equal rights for all and special privileges for none.

I also point out that they are not obvious, once the underlying assumptions are brought to the surface.

My plea is for adherents of the new ideology to openly articulate their principles and give reasons for them, and not to expect nor demand automatic acceptance.

And also for opponents of the new ideology to understand what they are opposing and give reasons for their own principles.


Of Course You Know What ‘Woke’ Means by Freddie DeBoer.

How DEI Is Supplanting Truth as the Mission of American Universities by John Bailer for The Free Press.

Unlearning the language of Wokeness by Sam Adler-Bell for New York Intelligencer.

The Trouble With Disparity by Walter Benn Michaels and Adolph Reed Jr. for Nonsite.org.

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5 Responses to “What is this thing called ‘woke’?”

  1. Steve in Texas Says:

    Dear Phil, Thank you as always for your clear, disinterested (i.e., impartial) exposition. It’s a gift to be able to explain things, and you have it. (As we all know, even many well-meaning teachers don’t.) I can report that, right, woke gets around. Even down here in supposedly rootin’-tootin’ South Texas, the “diversity” officers are operating at brigade strength in the schools. Kids facing the usual troubles in growing up and taking on an adult identity now have trans as an option. On their phones are trans websites, on which they are told that their parents and families are their enemies, and that their only real friends are the trans ideologists they meet online. Among the bromides that almost no one would have questioned not so long ago is this one: most people, most of the time, are going to be mostly heterosexual. I think the world, taken by and large, still believes this. Probably most Americans still do. Probably most Americans still believe that it’s okay, or can be, to be straight. With all the troubles in the world, this seems to be an odd thing to be contested. It would seem to me that reality itself is “heteronormative.” But I get it that in certain American scenes today, this (banal?) observation of mine wouldn’t go down well.


  2. Kenneth Says:

    There’s a lot to deal with here in relation to various social, political, and cultural issues. Your openness and reason are refreshing in the so- called Culture War. It’s important to put the term Woke in historical perspective, and for Liberals to recognize the difference between what’s political versus cultural.

    Woke as a term or idea came out of the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power Revolution of the 1960s. It meant staying focused and committed to the struggle for freedom. Black thinkers and activists did not want people to be distracted by things that didn’t matter or deceived by small steps towards progress, thinking the fight was over.

    Today activism around Anti Racism, LGBTQ Rights, climate change, and the Me Too Movement have taken up the term to address new fights around some long standing issues that had nothing to do with the 1960s Black Freedom Struggle. In response Rightwing opponents of social change and equality have made the term Woke a negative thing hoping to discredit activism as dangerous extremists. It also fires up their base too.

    For Liberals the issue is more complex, and there is no real consensus. For many Liberals notions like woke and identity politics are problematic because they challenge liberal ideas of individualism. They are viewed as collectivist, conformist, and inflexible. When it comes to practical politics and Democrats Wokeness and identity issues are perceived as alienating even villifying white voters, especially more conservative men essential to a political coalition. For other Liberals concerned about recognition, inclusion, and equality ; wokeness and identity politics make sense. They fight for things like police reform, climate change regulations, abortion rights, same sex marriage, and against banning gender affirming care for transgender people.

    How do we move forward? I think Liberals should be concerned with ensuring rights, opportunities, and material well-being for blacks; women; and LGBTQ people in addition to a more equal economy with shared prosperity for working people. Identity politics versus class or the economy is a false choice Liberals need to reject. However, we Liberals cannot and should not support a political or social mandate to force people to be affirming or like those who are different. We must not adopt speech codes or hate speech bans. Liberals must also resist legal or governmental efforts to make civil society, entertainment, or religious institutions more affirming or representative. We must recognize that free societies leave room for unresolved differences and sharp disagreements among people. If you can persuade others through discussion and debate of your view fine. But government or political power can’t be used to impose on your critics or others who disagree with you. I think this is a reasonable and just path for Liberals and all Americans.

    Phil, thanks as always for posting this. I might offer a more indepth response to some issues you have raised at The Other Liberal real soon. I’m working on new material regarding the economic struggles faced by single people and how systemic racism hurts black homeowners. Thanks so much.


  3. D.H. Says:

    As they say, follow the money. What was “woke” in the 1960s is now simply “Woke, Inc.”


  4. Fred (Au Natural) Says:

    “Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida says Florida is a place that “woke” comes to die.”

    Wokeness is being a retiree?


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