Democrats then and now

The Democrats in 2008 ran for office based on what they promised to do if elected.

The Democrats in 2010 are running for office based not on their record, but on what they say the other party will do if elected.

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2 Responses to “Democrats then and now”

  1. Matzpen Says:

    History tells us that the Democrats have never been willing defenders of the regular working. Rather whenever the Democrats stood up for unions, African Americans, or woman, it was because those people’s pressured them to do so through protests, strikes and movements.

    If Democrats Won’t Fight, Who Will?


    • philebersole Says:

      Right you are. The abolitionist movement didn’t wait for Abraham Lincoln to be elected before trying to do something about slavery and, although the abolitionists preferred Lincoln to his opponents, they never eased off or shut up for his political convenience. The abolitionists had an organizational base and a base in public opinion that didn’t depend on who occupied the White House.

      Ditto for the labor movement and Franklin Roosevelt, and the civil rights movement and John F. Kennedy & Lyndon Johnson. The story about FDR meeting with labor leaders or JFK meeting with civil rights leaders and then saying, “Now go make me do it,” is probably an urban legend, but it illustrates an important truth – that political policy hinges as much on the balance of political power as it does the personalities of the political actors.


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