The presidential vote will be recounted

Jill Stein of the Green Party raised enough money to meet the deadline for filing for a recount of the Presidential vote in Wisconsin.

She has until Monday to do the same in Pennsylvania and until Wednesday for Michigan.  I’ll update this post after the filing deadlines.

In order to change the apparent result of the election, the recount would have to show that Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump, got a majority of the votes in all three states.

That’s not likely.  But a recount even in just one state would help to reassure me that the vote count was honest—or confirm my suspicion that it may not have been.

I think that’s Stein’s motivation as well.  She is not a supporter of Clinton and neither am I, but all American citizens have an interest in an honest vote count.

The arithmetic is that Donald Trump now has 306 electoral votes and Hillary Clinton has 232.  Trump’s total includes Michigan, whose vote count has just been completed.

To reverse that result, Clinton would need all three states—Wisconsin (10 votes) Pennsylvania (20) and Michigan (16).   Trump’s margin of victory was 22,177 votes in Wisconsin, 70,618 in Pennsylvania and 10,704 in Michigan,


By the Numbers: The Recount Scenarios (It Is a Long Shot) by Peter Van Buren for We Meant Well.

The numbers are in: Trump wins Michigan by 10,704 by Kathleen Gray for the Detroit Free Press.

Wisconsin prepares for vote recount by the BBC.


Did the GOP strip and flip the 2016 selection? by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman for the Columbus Free Press.

Why the U.S. State Department would not certify Trump’s election as legitimate by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman for the Columbus Free Press.  Has links to charts showing differences between exit polls and official votes.

Chart showing Trump exit poll and official vote in Wisconsin.

Chart showing Clinton exit poll and official vote in Pennsylvania.

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7 Responses to “The presidential vote will be recounted”

  1. KIA Says:

    Anyone wonder what standing Stein has to challenge since it’s obvious that she wasn’t the one who was possibly harmed? Just another way Hillary can request the recounts by proxy, while still looking like she’s accepting the results of the election.


    • philebersole Says:

      All Americans are harmed if we don’t have honest elections, or if we don’t know whether we do or not.


      • KIA Says:

        Be honest. You’re not really worried about rampant voter fraud. Just that hillary lost when you think she should have won.
        A test for your objectivity:
        Would you be supporting a recount if Hillary had won and trump was calling for it? I doubt it. Please save your manufactured outrage and offense.


      • philebersole Says:

        If the circumstances were reversed—Donald Trump winning the overall popular vote but losing narrowly in state where exit polls say he should have won—Trump would not have hesitated to demand a recount and certainly would have been within his rights in doing so.

        In fact, his hesitation to say that he would accept the results of the election indicates that he thought that was a real possibility.

        I have spent years posting warnings about the vulnerability of electronic voting machines to hacking (as have many others). If it turns out the original vote count was wrong, I will feel vindicated.

        I spent months arguing that Hillary Clinton’s pro-war, pro-corporate record made her a weak candidate. If a recount shows she lost fair-and-square, I will feel vindicated.


  2. 61chrissterry Says:

    Reblogged this on 61chrissterry and commented:
    It is in everyones interest to ensure the election result was not rigged, do the Republicans object too much.


  3. Recount | New NY 23rd Says:

    […] […]


  4. ashiftinconsciousness Says:

    No disrespect intended, but I believe it’s gullible for us to believe that election fraud doesn’t happen in the U.S. The rulers are very clever. There is a reason we have voting machines that can easily be tampered with. Nothing other than the desire to control elections makes sense.

    I enjoy your blog.


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