Most people think the USA has gone wrong

A majority of citizens of nations allied to the United States think the USA has gone wrong. A majority of American citizens agree.

What happened?  Why don’t U.S. and allied governments seem to care?  If people have the wrong idea, where did they get it? 

I think there really was a time when many of the world’s people looked up to the United States as a role model and many in allied nations saw the United States as a protector.  This may have been objectively true.  If it was, it is true no longer.

Nowadays being an ally of the United States does not mean being shielded against invasion.  It means being a spearhead of U.S. global strategy, as Ukrainians have learned to their great cost and Taiwanese are at risk of learning in the future.


What they mean when they say American is ‘indispensable’ by Anatol Lieven for Responsible Statecraft.

The ‘Rules-Based International Order’ by Caitlin Johnstone.


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