How many Americans still lack health insurance?



Source: Charles Gaba’s Blog

Hat tip to Avedon’s Sideshow

A blogger named Charles Gaba has figured out that, under Obamacare, slightly over 294 million Americans now have health insurance, but 29 million are still without—about 9 percent of the population.

The striking thing to me is how much work he had to do to come up with a plausible estimate.  I would have thought that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services  had that figure on a web site somewhere.

I would have thought that, in general, President Obama would do more to ensure careful management of his signature reform, given how complicated it is and given how determined his Republican political enemies are to make it fail.

Click on Charles Gaba’s Blog for a detailed breakdown of the figures and an explanation of how he arrived at them, and a larger, higher-resolution version of the chart.

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