Posts Tagged ‘Fox News lies’

Fox affiliate faked ‘kill a cop’ video

December 25, 2014

I think Fox News over the year has done more to stir up racial conflict than peaceful protesters ever have.

Fox footage shows palm trees in Wisconsin

March 2, 2011

Fox News reporter Mike Tobin in this Feb. 28 newscast complains about Wisconsin protesters with signs saying “Fox News lies.”  But then at the end of the segment, Fox shows protesters pushing and shoving, against a background with palm trees.  Evidently they took some footage from a California protest to make the Madison, Wis., protesters, who so far have been orderly and law-abiding, appear more rowdy than they are.

Fast-forward to 1:40 if you just want to see the palm trees.

Tobin sees something suspicious in “professional-looking” signs – which anybody these days can have made up at a Kinko’s store or its equivalent.