Posts Tagged ‘Republican National Convention’

Trump has only 37% of the GOP vote to date

April 12, 2016

Presidential Candidate Donald Trump Campaign Rally in Vandalia, OhioDonald Trump has warned of riots if the Republican national convention denies him the nomination.  And he has called upon supporters to converge on Cleveland July 18-21 to engage in non-violent protest if that happens.

But Trump to date has won only 37 percent of the Republican vote that has been cast.  In what universe is 37 percent a majority?

Although he has won only 37 percent of the vote, he has 45 percent of the pledged delegates to date.  On what basis does he claim the system is rigged against him?

If a candidate lacks a majority of pledged delegates and also a majority of the popular vote, and the other delegates absolutely do not want him, on what theory are they obligated to vote for him anyway?

The purpose of a nominating convention is to nominate a candidate.  Why would Republicans in 2016 abdicate that responsibility?