Posts Tagged ‘Strength and Weakness’

Language of strength and weakness

March 30, 2016

Donald Trump supporters are motivated primarily by anger.  Even if you don’t like everything about him, they say, he is the main attacker against the corrupt and incompetent political establishment, including Hillary Clinton.

trumpclinton3Hillary Clinton supporters are motivated primarily by fear.  Even if you don’t like everything about her, they say, she is the main defender against the dangerous radical right-wingers, especially Donald Trump.

Anger is an empowering emotion.  It motivates you to take action (however unwise).  Fear is a weakening emotion.  It motivates you to cling to the status quo (however bad).

Consider the following:

Trump appears to have unveiled a moniker for the Democratic presidential front-runner, calling her “incompetent,” and Clinton has returned fire, labeling Trump a “bully” during a speech before a leading American-Israeli group this week in Washington.

Source: USA Today

Which word projects strength and which projects weakness?
