Posts Tagged ‘Randall Munroe’

Black holes versus regular holes

October 28, 2023


Can you name the missing seven states?

December 12, 2020

Via XKCD. Hat tip to

The effectiveness of masks

October 3, 2020

Source: xkcd: Masks

Degrees of ambiguity in academia

March 2, 2020

Source: XKCD.

The friend who sent me this is a retired professor of English literature.

Welcome to 2019

December 31, 2018

Source: xkcd

When 2019 Starts Around the World

Which country has New Year first and which celebrates it last? 

Who’s listening?

December 5, 2018

Source: XKCD.

Survivorship bias

May 5, 2017

Source: xkcd

Click on XKCD for more cartoons and drawings by Randall Munroe.

Liquidity in the USA

April 19, 2017

Randall Munroe made this graphic on his XKCD site showing the relative amounts of liquids consumed by Americans.  Note that the circles in the top graphic are the tiny circles in the upper left corner of the bottom graphic.

I’m not trying to make any particular political point with this graphic.  I just thought it was interesting.  As a former reporter for Gannett newspapers, I’m a great believer in presenting quantitative information in graphic form

Astronaut vandalism

April 3, 2017

Source: xkcd

The mind-body problem hotline

December 18, 2016

Source: xkcd: Trapped

A graphic history of global climate change

September 14, 2016

Source: xkcd: Earth Temperature Timeline

How high is up?

June 4, 2016

Source: xkcd: Height


The hierarchies of knowledge

February 21, 2016



I lifted these two cartoons from the Biology vs. Theoretical Physics post on the Sans Science web log, which is now private.

The top cartoon is, of course, from Randall Munroe’s xkcd series.

How should you tell the temperature?

February 16, 2016


Source: xkcd

xkcd: Lakes and oceans

January 19, 2016

Double click to enlarge.

Double click to enlarge.

Source: xkcd

Randall Munroe is not just a witty cartoonist and effective explainer.  He is a master of the visual display of quantitative information.   Look at the Deepwater Horizon well on the display to get an idea of just what that was, for example.

The economic argument against the paranormal

June 16, 2015

Source: xkcd.

Cancer and cell phones

June 15, 2015

Source: XKCD

What’s at stake in global climate change

May 15, 2015

4_5_degreesSource: xkcd.

Science and stamp collecting

May 12, 2015

science and stamp collectingSource: xkcd

The words for winter

February 25, 2015

winterSource: xkcd

We’re not used to really cold winters any more

February 13, 2015

coldSource: xkcd

The complete real estate of the Solar System

July 7, 2014

Randall Munroe shows the surface area of the planets and asteroids in the Solar System that are hard enough to walk on.   Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus don’t count because they don’t have solid surfaces.  If they did, their surfaces would be many times bigger than that whole map.

via xkcd.    Hat tip to

Science and the sense of beauty

February 23, 2014


Click on xkcd for more Randall Munroe cartoons

I thought I was the only one like this

November 2, 2013


Click on xkcd for more Randall Munroe cartoons.

-10-day weather forecast

August 28, 2013


Click on xkcd for more Randall Munroe cartoons.